Our Self-Paced learning portal gives you access to the complete Bushidokai Karate Curriculum allowing you to learn a world class self-defence system in any location and grade towards your Black Belt in Bushidokai Karate.

Every element of your learning is covered in these easy to follow video lessons filmed and presented direct to your preferred online device.

Our Self-Paced Learning Program will take you step by step progress through the Bushidokai grading syllabus.

Starting with the basics, this program will explain in detail each technique, combination group, and detailed applications filmed from 6 camera angles allowing you to control the class content and maximise your learning capabilities.

The self-paced program is delivered by Bushidokai International Master Instructor, Shihan Glenn Coxon with the detail and explanation you’d expect from a Master with over 50 years of experience. You will be learning the same program which has produced numerous National and World Champions and was chosen by Australia’s finest front-line law enforcement teams as their preferred self defence system, because it works!


The recorded series in the self-paced program is accompanied by detailed course materials to help track your progress as you prepare for each grading examination. Grading exams are conducted both on-line or can take place at an authorised Bushidokai International accreditation location or branch school.

We also offer the choice of submitting your recorded grading performance for most grading levels to be assessed by our Senior Instructors. You will be following a grading examination assessment form for your appropriate level whilst recording your exam for later assessment by Bushidokai International.

Note: Advanced belt ranks will need to be assessed on-line or at an approved location.

All approved Bushidokai Karate grades
receive their Grading Certificate issued by and signed by Shihan Glenn Coxon.

Regardless of your current fitness, experience and capabilities, the Bushidokai International self-paced program will progress you through your journey in the martial arts and help you to achieve your dream of becoming a recognised and respected Black Belt.

You a Black Belt! One day…or Day One?



Check our Memberships Page for Self-Paced Membership options to find the one which suits you

Click here to go to Membership Page!

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